Do you know how much to charge for your products or services? How are you going to sell to your customers? Online? In your physical location? How are you going to distribute your orders?
In this module of the Startup Roadmap, you’ll fine-tune your pricing and set up a distribution system for your product or service.
Many startup business owners make a common mistake: giving away their products or services for free (or almost free) to get their first clients. This devalues what you’re selling and makes it difficult to raise prices later.
Promote what makes you different and special — and worth that higher price. Don’t sell yourself short!
The SCORE Startup Roadmap includes these 12 modules, but you do not have to stop at every exit:
- Starting Your Journey
- Are You Ready to Start a Business?
- Defining and Validating Your Idea
- Business Plan or Business Model Canvas?
- Finding Funding
- Setting Up Your Business
- Accounting, Insurance, and Legal Considerations
- Marketing Your Business
- Pricing, Sales, and Distribution
- Setting Up Your Physical Location
- Staffing Your Business
- Open for Business
The SCORE Startup Roadmap outlines every step in starting a business. Work with your SCORE mentor to help you reach your goal.